Green Lumber Sales

At Tri-County Logging, we work hard to bring the best green products to our customers. Every day our staff perform examinations to confirm that we are meeting and exceeding the National Hardwood Lumber Association Standards. The quality of lumber we ship is just as important to us as it is to you.


TCL uses NHLA and in-house trained inspectors. The inspectors are monitored, look tested, and re-inspected regularly with feedback.


To ensure the quality of the finished grade, we ship as soon as possible upon packaging, buy often dispatching trucks prior to finishing the load.


We not only take pride in the quality of our lumber, but also in the diversity of our production. Our mill is capable of cutting grade ranging from 4/4 (1 inch) to 20/4 (5 inches) and specializes in cuts between 8/4 (2 inches) and 12/4 (3 inches). We color sort to your specifications and do proprietary grading upon request.

Sales from the mill include Grade Lumber (green), Timbers, Special Order, Pallet Stock, and Steel Mill Blocking.

Cutting Schedule

When possible, our cutting schedule is established a month in advance. We work closely with our customers to ensure that we meet their kiln and production schedules. Cutting schedules pre-plan the grades and even more specific, the thickness, lengths, widths, and color for the specie, and volume of each item.

For Information
Jeff Mercy
Email –
PH: 800-327-2812 Ext. 319 Fax: 517-456-4931
Tri-County Logging, Clinton Michigan