These individuals or companies will neither cut your timber nor use your timber in any manufacturing process. They make their money by buying your timber and reselling it at a higher price to a logger or a sawmill.
These individuals will professionally mark your timber and arrange for its sale. In doing so, they will provide you with a competitive price for your timber. However, they will thrn take as much as 10% of the sale price for their commission.
Where will my logs go?
These individuals or companies are in the business of harvesting timber. They will buy your timber, cut it, skid it and then sell the logs to a production facility, Normally they do not use the logs themselves or manufacture any product other than logs.
Direct purchasers end users. If any of the above purchase your woodlot, the sawlogs ultimately are purchased by a mill. In most cases that will be by the sawmill closest to your woodlot. This is simply a matter of the cost of freight. The trucking of logs is expensive, therefore, your logs are usually worth the most to the sawmill located closest to you.
We are the largest sawmill located nearest you. We are located in Clinton, MI. We have purchased thousands of woodlots from Brokers, Consulting Foresters, Loggers and land owners. We would prefer you were paid the most your woodlot is worth. That can only be done if we deal direct with each other, cutting out the middle man.